Oct 5, 2012

Favoruite Finds Friday!

As promised here are my favourite finds from this week.

I started Christmas shopping!!!  I like to give myself a head start each year so that I can find a perfect, unique gift for everyone.  I love shopping online, so I always leave myself 6-8 weeks since some orders (especially custom ones) can take a long time to get to my door.  Plus, if I shop over seas, I can expect major delays no doubt!

I was browsing my favourite sites and came across some cool things this week.

From ThinkGeek. com, this awesome DIY Guitar Pick Punch is just $24.99.  You can punch a guitar pick out of anything.  So Cool!

The Obsessive Chef Cutting Board.  Found here for just $25 bucks.  I WANT this so bad!  hint hint... This is such an awesome idea. 

Williams Sonoma, bar far, has the most beautiful wreaths.  I'll take 2 of these for the fall, and 2 of those for the spring.

I'm inlove with this Julien MacDonald wallpaper available from Graham & Brown.  I want to do my whole dining room in it, but at $85 a roll, I may have to settle for just my powder room.

This bathroom vanity is available in a number of colours and I just love the rustic look.  It starts at over $1200 bucks, but I think it's unique and worth the money!  See all the available styles at fixtureuniverse.com

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