Apr 24, 2012

Exterior Paint - HELP!!!

The exterior of the new house needs a major facelift and I can't decide what to do. For sure, I'll be planting a path of boxwood from the driveway to the front door.  Boxwood is one of my favourite greens!  I'll also be doing some nice wicker chairs out front.

Thank you Sherwin-Williams for the awesome paint visualizer. ( https://www.sherwin-williams.com/visualizer/# ).  I've tried the Benjamin Moore and Valspar ones, and they don't compare!

BEFORE! I can't stand the pink brick and the storm doors will be coming off.

My initial reaction is to bring out the Georgian roots of the home and paint the brick white, shutters black, and door red.  Eventually I'll redo the front patio and steps in red brick.  With this, I worry that the house will be too white, and it will really stick out in the neighbourhood.  There are no other painted brick homes on the street.  Not that I mind sticking out..hehe

Painted White Brick, Red Door, Black Shutters and Garage
Same as above, but a little more off white
 Fearing the white is too bright, maybe I should go with a deep taupe brick.  But with this, I worry the brick will be ugly painted.

Taupe brick, Red door, Black shutters and garage

Same as above, but with a black painted porch cover
 Since I am clearly chicken to paint my brick, maybe I should just paint the shutters and door to give it an update.

Black painted shutters and garage, Red door.

Chocolate Brown painted shutters and garage, Red door.

White painted shutters and garage.  Chocolate brown door
I can't decide what to do.  Help!!! 



  1. I think I like original brick with black shutters,but I also like white brick black shutters, and I like taupe brick black shutters, and the original brick with white shutters is also nice...sure hope this helps (hahaha)

  2. Wow, you have a real gift with external paint. I love how just by changing the color of your house, you can change it from an outdated look, to a super modern look. I think I will have to have my home repainted in the next few months. My wife would be all for it. http://www.designwestpainting.com/services

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