Aug 16, 2011

It's been a long weekend

I know, this has nothing to do with home decor!  But, I've had a tough week filled with emotional drama, and sometimes I just need an outlet.  Surprisingly, blogging has provided that for me.
I hate it when people do this to me and my loved ones.... so, if I ever do it to you, I promise to not take offense when you point it out.


Mind Your Own Business
Donnie V. Rader

One of the commands of God that we sometimes act as if we haven't read is the one that tells us to mind our own business. The text says, "that you also aspire to lead a quiet life, to mind your own business, and to work with your own hands, as we commanded you" (1 Thess. 4:11, emphasis mine DVR, NKJV).
Yes, the Bible actually tells us to mind our own business! Thus, we need to consider some ways we sometimes violate this instruction and just how serious that is.

It Is a Sin

Remember that sin is a violation of the law of God (1 In. 3:4). Since the law of God tells us to mind our own business and not another's (1 Thess. 4:11), then it would be a sin to behave contrary.
In the second letter to the Thessalonians, Paul stated that there were some in the church who were "busybodies" (2 Thess. 3:11). A busybody is one who is not busied in his own business, but over busied in that of others' (Vines). If he did not cease his practice, he was to be disfellowshiped (2 Thess. 3:6-15). That tells how serious being a busybody (minding the business of other people) can be. God said such a one is "disorderly."

How We Are Sometimes Guilty

1. In our conversation. Quite often we find ourselves talking about other people, the decisions they make, their money, the things they do, what they buy and what we think about all of that. It may be that the things we talk about are personal which should not be of any concern to us.
Some take it on themselves to meddle by thinking they must tell others exactly what they think about their life decisions or how they handle their money or children.
We sometimes ask questions about things that are none of our business. We sometimes ask about conversations that do not concern us.

2. In family relationships. It is very easy for parents to mind the business of their children who are married and have families of their own. Some parents treat their grown children as if they were still kids, telling them what to do. When parents feel that they have to make critical comments on their grown children's money, looks, clothes and children they are minding business that is not theirs. Why is it that some parents feel that they need hold the reigns on their adult children and meddle in their affairs?
Some are failing to recognize that a new family has been established and God has established the husband as the head of that family (Gen. 2:24; Eph. 5:31).

Some Questions to Ask Yourself

Before we get too carried away asking questions, telling what we know or passing on our advice let us ask ourselves the following questions: 
(1) Is this really any of my business? 
(2) Have I been invited into this matter? 
(3) Will my action of asking or telling possibly do more harm than good? 
(4) Will others think that I am minding other people's business?

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