May 1, 2012

DIY Burlap Bubble Wreath

I found a tutorial for a burlap bubble wreath on Pinterest and decided to repin it.  Within a  few days I had well over 200 repins.  Clearly I'm not the only one obsessed with Burlap these days!

So I decided to take a stab at it.  It took me a few days, but here is the end result.

I swiped the idea from My Heart's Desire blog.  Click on the link to find the full tutorial.

You may notice that mine has a lot more bubble to it.  I actually did 2 layers rather than just 2.  My wreath was huge and had quite a lot of gaps, so I thought making a third row would make it look more full and complete.

My next house has double doors, so I would love to attempt to make another, but it took me a lot longer than I anticipated, and there is no way my next one would look similar enough to pull of a 'pair' look!!! I have a feeling this one will find it's way to my mother-in-law's door one day!

But, overall, I am happy with the  outcome.  I love burlap and love working with it.  And all in all, this wreath cost me $6 bucks.  $2 bucks for the wreath ring (from Len's Mill Store in Port Dover), and $4 bucks for the burlap (also purchased at Lens, but Fabric Land also carries it).  I had the sunflower on hand.  This one was from HomeSense, so I am sure it was just a few dollars. 

Hope you like it as much as I do!


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